Related: The Mandalorian: First Baby Yoda Merchandise Released (& It’s Disappointing) Even The Mandalorian co-star Werner Herzog reportedly fell for Baby Yoda, insisting that the production use a puppet instead of CGI and treating it like a living thing on set. Despite that hitch, Baby Yoda remains as popular as ever. Fan art and gifs began circulating almost as soon as the adorable alien appeared on screen, leading to Giphy temporarily pulling Baby Yoda gifs, citing “confusion” over whether they were actually permitted on the site. Since debuting in the first episode of The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda has taken the internet by storm, dominating conversations about the show, which has quite a few other things going for it as well. Fans were hard at work on Baby Yoda-inspired projects even before the new mod was revealed, with one even making their own unofficial Baby Yoda plush toy.

Oh, and tell us what’s your favorite mod.The actual star of The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda, is coming to Star Wars Battlefront 2, thanks to the efforts of one modder. Where else would you be able to encounter major characters from this from this franchise if not for those Star Wars battlefront 2 mods we’re about to list? So, get ready to open a whole new world of battlefront to Goodness. The modding process is easy and can make the game shine with new colors.

But if the basic plot becomes too boring, you can make the game even more exciting by installing some Battlefront 2 mods. You can choose to fight on Naboo in the era of the Clone Wars and take control of the droids of the Trade Federation. The game embraces all aspects of the movies and features them front and center.

The main hero is an unknown veteran clone trooper. The second part of the Battlefront series revolves around the "forces of evil." As in, the Galactic Empire and its fate after the destruction of the second Death Star.